The Merri-Cast
Trevor Merriden of Merriborn Media covers all the subjects that help put every entrepreneur and leader on the fast track to business confidence. Every entrepreneurial journey has challenges and most of them revolve around mindset and approach. How do you navigate those challenges? We will help you find the answers.
The Merri-Cast
Per Wimmer: ON How his adventures fuel his entrepreneurial drive
Our 50th episode of The Merri-Cast podcast is now live! We’re thrilled that joining us on this milestone episode, is the brilliant Per Wimmer – entrepreneur, adventurer, philanthropist and recent winner at the Business Book Awards.
From working at prestigious organisations like Goldman Sachs and McKinsey, space training, skydiving over Mount Everest to founding multiple businesses including Wimmer Financial – Per’s life and career has been full of variety and exciting adventures.
Per’s experience means he has a unique perspective on blending ambition with purpose. In this episode, he tells some fascinating stories and shares valuable insights including:
- Facing challenges head-on
- Human interaction - why people want to interact with interesting people
- The 7 Core Values for Success and what value is most important to him
- How to start and grow a sustainable business
- How his adventures fuel his entrepreneurial drive
There’s a common view that entrepreneurs should be focused on one thing, but Per’s story proves that you can balance risk, adventure and make a positive impact. So, whether you're a new entrepreneur, a seasoned professional or someone inspired by courageous journeys, this episode is for you.
Per Wimmer:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/perwimmer
Wimmer Financial: https://wimmerfinancial.com/
Wimmer Space: https://wimmerspace.com/
Book: The Sky is No Limit
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/trevormerriden/
Merriborn Media: https://merribornmedia.co.uk/
Email: trevor.merriden@merribornmedia.co.uk