The Merri-Cast
Trevor Merriden of Merriborn Media covers all the subjects that help put every entrepreneur and leader on the fast track to business confidence. Every entrepreneurial journey has challenges and most of them revolve around mindset and approach. How do you navigate those challenges? We will help you find the answers.
The Merri-Cast
Simon Shepard: ON Being Driven by Progress and Embracing New Opportunities
On this week’s episode of The Merri-Cast, I’m joined by my good friend, the brilliant Simon Shepard - Founder and CEO of Optima-Life.
Simon is a physiotherapist by training but has turned into a fantastic entrepreneur. In this episode, he shares his unique career journey and the lessons he’s learnt along the way. He’s also in the middle of an exciting new venture, which you’ll hear more about at the end of the interview.
What inspired me about Simon’s journey is his deep-seated passion for curiosity and progress - something we can all learn from. He also offered other valuable insights including:
- Embracing new opportunities and what’s possible if you have a go.
- The value of a good support network and being trusted by colleagues.
- Being driven by progress and finding solutions.
- Understanding and listening to the people you help.
- The importance of networking and marketing.
- Being confident in asking questions and learning from others.
Simon Shepard:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/simon-shepard-a9868a16
Optima-Life: https://optima-life.com/
Email: simonshepard@optima-life.com
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/trevormerriden/
Merriborn Media: https://merribornmedia.co.uk/
Email: trevor.merriden@merribornmedia.co.uk