The Merri-Cast
Trevor Merriden of Merriborn Media covers all the subjects that help put every entrepreneur and leader on the fast track to business confidence. Every entrepreneurial journey has challenges and most of them revolve around mindset and approach. How do you navigate those challenges? We will help you find the answers.
The Merri-Cast
Kim Ades: ON 'Being aware of your thoughts and the impact of journaling'
On today’s episode, I am joined by the fantastic Kim Ades – President of Frame of Mind Coaching and Journal Engine Software and CEO of The Journal That Talks Back.
Kim’s career has been one full of variety – there’s not many interviews in which you fit a psychology degree, a balloon business, then a software entrepreneur.
Because of this variety, Kim offers a lot of great insights throughout the episode, including:
- How your thinking impacts your actions and inactions.
- Why listening to yourself is one of the greatest formats of self-awareness.
- The importance of working on your mindset.
- The impact of journaling in the coaching process.
Kim Ades:
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/kimades
Frame of Mind Coaching: https://www.frameofmindcoaching.com/
Journal Engine Software: https://www.journalengine.com/
The Journal That Talks Back: https://www.thejournalthattalksback.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevormerriden/
Merriborn Media: https://merribornmedia.co.uk/
Email: trevor.merriden@merribornmedia.co.uk