The Merri-Cast
Trevor Merriden of Merriborn Media covers all the subjects that help put every entrepreneur and leader on the fast track to business confidence. Every entrepreneurial journey has challenges and most of them revolve around mindset and approach. How do you navigate those challenges? We will help you find the answers.
The Merri-Cast
Rachel Turner: ON Hanging out with the Winners and The Balance between Fear and Aspiration'
On this week's episode, I’m joined by the brilliant Rachel Turner.
Rachel began her career as a music industry entrepreneur but over the last 20 years, has been a successful coach and leadership advisor. She is the Founder of ‘Achieve Unlimited’ and Co-Founder of VC Talent Lab “which aims to put leadership talent development at the heart of the VC ecosystem”.
Rachel is also author of the #1 best-selling book ‘The Founder’s Survival Guide’ which was recently shortlisted for a Business Book Award.
In this episode, Rachel discusses hanging out with the winners, and the balance between fear and aspiration. She also shares the importance of knowing how to manage, being self-aware, and networking as a start-up entrepreneur.
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/achieveunlimited
Email: rachel@vctalentlab.com
VC Talent Lab: vctalentlab.com/
Achieve Unlimited: achieveunlimited.com/
The Founder's Survival Guide: https://www.thefounderssurvivalguide.com/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevormerriden/
Merriborn Media: https://merribornmedia.co.uk/
Email: trevor.merriden@merribornmedia.co.uk