The Merri-Cast
Trevor Merriden of Merriborn Media covers all the subjects that help put every entrepreneur and leader on the fast track to business confidence. Every entrepreneurial journey has challenges and most of them revolve around mindset and approach. How do you navigate those challenges? We will help you find the answers.
The Merri-Cast
Felicity Cowie: ON '6 questions to always ask and the art of self-forgiveness'
This week, I am joined by Felicity Cowie – Founder of Cowiecom, Business Consultant, International Communications Trainer, Author, and an award-winning former BBC, ITV, and Panorama journalist.
As a former journalist turned entrepreneur myself, I could resonate with a lot of what Felicity had to say and I’m sure you will as well.
In this episode, Felicity discusses 6 questions that can work for businesses as well as journalists, the art of forgiving yourself, and why confusion can be a good thing to feel in business if you handle it properly.
She also shared the interesting journey of writing her latest book 'Exposure: Insider Secrets to make your business a go-to authority for journalists’ - which was recently nominated at The Business Book Awards!
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/felicitycowie
Email: felicity@cowiecom.com
Twitter: FelicityCowie
Website: https://www.cowiecom.com/
Book: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Exposure-business-go-authority-journalists/dp/1788603397
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trevormerriden/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrevorMerriden
Merriborn Media: https://merribornmedia.co.uk/
Email: trevor.merriden@merribornmedia.co.uk